
Se ubican en el noroccidente del Ecuador, entre los ríos Mira y San Juan, en la provincia del Carchi. Otras comunidades se encuentran también en la provincia de Imbabura, Esmeraldas y en Colombia. Son alrededor de 1600. Su idioma (Awapi) forma parte de la misma familia lingüística de los Chachi y Tsáchila.

The Awa-Kwaiker are been located in the northwest of Ecuador between the Mira and San Juan rivers in the province of Carchi. Other communities are also located in the province of Imbabura, Esmeraldas and in Colombia. They number about 1600. Their language (Awapi) forms part of the same linguistic family as the Chachi and Tsáchila. "Awa" means "people," but they are often called Kwaiker or Coaiquer after a nearby small Colombian town.

Comentarios y Sugerencias / Comments and Suggestions: Marc Becker (

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